Some important pointers for double glazing windows installation

by - 23:16

Finally, you’ve received a few quotes and chosen the quote from a local company with proficiency and good reputation.
Here are some pointers that you should take care of regarding double glazing window/door installation. 
  • Installation of windows – So once you’ve chosen colour and decided to go with a top-rated window that ensures utmost security through robust locking system, now it’s time for installation.  When the installers arrive they will want to have safe access to the window. You don’t need to move heavy furniture, they will do everything to prepare proper working area for a tidy and neat installation. Once the access is made OK, they would lay down the dust sheet. Any reputed double glazing installer is likely to have a dust sheet laid down. But you need to check that. This is even more important for a sash window with years of dust deposits in the sash box, the dust may go throughout the home. Make sure you use your dust sheet if the installer doesn’t have one to safeguard your home from the abundance of dust.
  • Old window removal – If you want to have a whole window replaced, the installers would double check the measurement of the new frame. And if everything is well, the old window unit would be taken out and a new frame will be inserted into the aperture and bolted into concrete. The installers would then check with the spirit level to ensure everything is even. Finally they would fit the glass sealed unit. Once the frame is properly installed into the wall, the glass sealed unit would be positioned into the aperture and then fitted to beads to enclose the window glass in frame. To ensure a snug fit between the uPVC frame and the glass, they might use wedges.
  • Proper finish – Once the window in installed, the installer is likely to silicone and trim from both inside and outside to provide the window with a perfect finish. They would use trims and sealants according to the colours so it doesn’t come to notice where the window meets the brick wall. Double glazing installers in Cardiff diligently check over every parameter of double glazing window installation to ensure no gaps in the sealant is seen and immaculate finish.
  • Tidy up – After the process of installation is over, the fitters must take away their tools to make the working area clean. They may even vacuum the floor to make the home spic and span. Make sure you check the working area before the fitters leave just to ensure that the area is left in a tidy and clean condition.
  • Timescale – Usually a reliable and reputed supplier have years of experience in supplying and installing uPVC double glazing window. They will try their best to fit new window, doors and Conservatories in Cardiff. Your local double glazing window supplier would keep you informed about the timescale and will fix an installation day as per your convenience. 
These are just a few of many pointers regarding installation of a double glazing window.

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